The Monster Cafe is Open for Business!

One of our favorite annual activities during the Halloween season is opening up our “Monster Cafe.” I originally got the idea last year from the book Games for Writing by Peggy Kaye. This is a wonderful resource chock full of creative ideas to prompt and improve writing skills, both mechanical and creative. It really is an invaluable tool for teaching kids to write and enjoy writing!

The kids and I convened at the kitchen table, pens and paper in hand, ready to brainstorm. You see, monsters like really icky, slimy, gory, and gross things. Ordinary food and drink just won’t do.

On to our planning…

The first order of the day was to come up with menu items. Such things as Grilled Scream Cheese Sandwiches and Hack-A-Roni and Fleas ended up on our menu! The grosser and more morbid, the better! Ghoulish, yes?

Next, came the design and creation of the menu. The kids picked out colored construction paper and used oil pastels to decorate the menu. DD copied menu items from our master list onto the construction paper. DS1 wanted a little help with his writing, but he illustrated his pages very well – lots of monsters and scariness! DS2 had a great time drawing monsters!

Here is our finished product. Next order of business, opening up and waiting for the monsters to arrive!

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How to Love a Book!

This might not look like learning. It wouldn’t have looked like learning to me two years ago. Kids running around with robes and magic wands. Sitting on the couch reading a big, colorfully illustrated book about wizards. Coloring pictures of pretty plants and flowers. There might even be a little figuring out of how many wands were sold in a week if 14 were sold each day. Or how about designing a shopping mall for wizards? Does that sound like learning? Or fun? Are learning and fun mutually exclusive? Not in my house. Not anymore…

We are reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J.K. Rowling aloud as a family. There is a recently released illustrated edition that is simply exquisite! When the sun goes down and bedtime is approaching, my children beg to get this book out! It has so profoundly captured us that we have decided to toss out the curriculum for a while and enroll in The Hogwart’s School of Wizardry! After all, there is no better way to love a book than to dive right in and let the pages take you where they may, to become a living part of it.

At this school, we don our robes and learn things like Herbology, magic spell writing, and wand making. We write articles for the Weekly Prophet. We looked deeply inside ourselves to help the Sorting Hat decide to which House we belong. I happen to have two Gryffindors and one Ravenclaw.

I got most of my inspiration for activities from Emily Cook at Build your library. Emily’s unit studies are spectacular! We are for sure loving the Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone Unit Study! There is also a plethora of Harry Potter math activities that one can find doing a simple internet search.

It is so wonderful to bring a beloved book to life by becoming a part of it. By living it. It becomes a part of you, too, forever…

(This post contains a link to Should you decide to purchase the book, Thankfully Home will receive a small commission. This will not cost you anything at all! It helps us buy books for our family, so thank you!)



this post is participating in read aloud thursday at HOPE IS THE WORD.

Halloween Tea Party!

Halloween is not just another holiday at our house. It is cause for an ongoing celebration! We decided to kick off our festivities with a Halloween Poetry Tea Time, full of all the usual trappings of the holiday – costumes, treats, decorations, pumpkin spiced tea, stories and poems.

Poetry TIMG_20151012_113850131_HDRea Time is regular event in our home. The kids just love preparing delicious treats and racing to the bookshelf to choose their favorite poetry books. Today will be a little different. A little. We will be sipping, listening, and taking turns reading as witches, sorcerers, and fearless space rangers . We will read from spooky Halloween poetry books. We will revel in this enchanted, magical, place for a while…







Oh, and we have invited some more guests to join us today…





What a wonderful time we had together, my Emerald Witch, Harry Potter, and Buzz Lightyear! I can only hope that these are the times that my children remember fondly when they look back at their childhoods and reminisce…


Here are the poetry books we read from:

(The images contain links to Should you decide to purchase any of the books, Thankfully Home will receive a small commission. This will not cost you anything at all! It helps us buy books for our family, so thank you!)




Traveling Back to The Middle Ages

We are currently reading about The Middle Ages in History. For our spine, we are using The Story of the World by Susan Wise Bauer, which we love! For those of you who haven’t experienced this series, it takes you from Pre-Historic times through The Modern Era in story-like fashion. There are four volumes and separate activity guides that accompany each one, for those that like to include written activities, mapwork, crafts, and additional reading. At the end of this post, I am including a list of some living read-alouds for this time period.

We thought we would bring our reading to life by visiting our local annual Renaissance Festival!



Of course, we had to dress the part! Introducing my little Knight, King, and Lady! We were immediately greeted by jesters, knights, and other Medieval characters selling their food and wares. From costumes, wooden swords, jewelry, tapestries, clay pottery, drinking horns, turkey legs and more, it was like stepping back into a Medieval village!



We meandered through the crowded streets and came upon this…



An outdoor theater where Much Ado About Nothing, by William Shakespeare, was being performed! Stories become so much more meaningful when they are brought to life!

We also happened upon some acrobats and comedies being performed as well.




This was followed by more wandering, meeting interesting folks, and seeing the amazing sights and sounds of a real Medieval town.

And we even got to meet and chat with the King himself!



Imagine what imaginative places the kids will have now in their minds when we sit together and read about these interesting, colorful times! If only for a day, they have lived it themselves. They have been there. This is the closest thing we have to traveling through time…




These are some of our favorite living read-alouds for this time period. We have read and loved some and look forward to others as our studies progress:

(The following pictures contain links to Should you decide to purchase any of the books, Thankfully Home will receive a small commission. This will not cost you anything at all! It helps us buy books for our family, so thank you!)

When it’s Time to Reboot

We as parents are well-intentioned. We want the best for our children. Every day. But I have to be honest. I am human. Sometimes I get tired (often, actually). Sometimes I get cranky. Sometimes I can be unkind and ungrateful. Sometimes I love my children but I forget to cherish them.

My family has been so doggone busy for the last couple of months. Between art classes, science center classes, piano lessons, musical theater classes, and visits with friends and family, I feel like I am being stretched in a medieval rack. I am not usually the type of person who books our schedule full. I don’t thrive in that way.  My kids don’t either. We like having things to do and people to see, but sometimes we just like staying home and having quiet time. We like the freedom that our homeschooling life affords us of being able to pick up and go where the wind blows us. We like to go down rabbit trails when we are beckoned.

I knew we reached a place of discomfort for everyone because the short tempers were flaring at the drop of a hat. We were not in a place of happiness or respect. We were not gracious. There was no peace. It was time to unplug and reconnect. It was time to remember and acknowledge the things we are thankful for. It was time for a reboot…

So, we put away the curriculum. We put away the books (well, not the poetry ones or the read-alouds, or the bed-time favorites – we could NEVER do that!), the worksheets, and the agenda. We dropped it all in favor of some impromptu fun. We piled into the car…


And headed out to the country. It is beautiful this time of year in South Central Pennsylvania. The leaves have changed and are vibrant hues of red, orange, yellow, burgundy, and gold. As we headed North-West, the rolling hills spread out before us. The drive was spectacular!

Finally, we arrived at Boyer’s in Bigglerville.

Is there a better way to appreciate the fall than to go apple picking in the country?



The fresh air, the rows and rows of beautiful trees, the smell of grass, the backdrop of rolling hills dotted with colorful leaves. It was nothing less than exhilarating!

The kids darted up and down the rows, in awe of all of the beautiful fruit hanging from the trees. They started filling their bags. My heart felt so thankful to have this time with them, watching them select, pluck, and admire their choices.




When the bags were full of beautiful Fuji and York Empire apples, they were dragged back to the car and proudly heaved into the back. Each child was very protective of their bag of apples!

Time to head back to the market to have our haul weighed…



This was our drive. Isn’t it exquisite? This photo doesn’t due justice to the beauty of this countryside…


The kids had their haul weighed proudly – 35 pounds of apples! Yes, 35!

We decided to stop for lunch on our hour-long way home. We spent the time reconnecting. Talking. Listening. Remembering what it is that we love about being a family.


When we got home, we peeled, boiled, and pureed our hearts out and made the most delicious applesauce! My daughter got out her Raddish kit and made us a scrumptious Dutch Apple Pancake! I have to say, the “fruits” of our labor were well worth it, both literally and figuratively.

Now I know that there will come a time when we need another reboot. That’s ok. For now, this is enough…


Welcoming Fall

Now that Fall is officially here and the cooler weather has set in (for most of us 🙂 ), there is a slew of fun things to do that help welcome and appreciate the beauty that fall brings. Here are some of the things we like to do or are planning to do this year:

BakeIMG_20150921_102939450! There is absolutely no better time to bake than Fall! Apples are aplenty and there are so many things you can do with pumpkin! Who knew? Some of our favorite recipes are for pumpkin pie, apple pie, baked apples, apple sauce, pumpkin bread, apple pancakes, baked pumpkin seeds, oh there are so many! We will also be enjoying our “Apples Everywhere” cooking kit from Raddish Kids.




Go on a nature hike! The cooler weather and changing leaves make for a very enjoyable time to get out and and explore Mother Nature! Collect leaves. Try to see how many colors and shapes you can find. Try to find out what kind of tree they came from. Make a leaf collage when you get home! Collect pine cones to paint and, if you have planned ahead, try some leaf and bark rubbings to save for your nature journals!


Create FIMG_20151018_170757317all-inspired artwork! Here are some great places to find inspiration –

Do something creative with your leaf and bark rubbings. Maybe make a collage!



Read together! The local library always has a nice display in the children’s section of wonderful books about fall. Select a few and snuggle up! I think we currently have every single book out about Fall and Halloween that our local library has 😉 ). And in case you haven’t seen it, here’s our list of favorite Halloween books. Have a tea party! Get out your tea set, brew your favorite tea, bake a treat, and sit and read stories and poems about fall. Everyone will love it!


Go appleIMG_20150920_115148424[1] picking! Visit a local farm and pick your own apples! Often, these farms will have other activities like hayrides, corn mazes, petting zoos, crafts and other fun things to do while you are there. Be on the lookout for any local festivals as well! When you are finished, bring your apples home and bake!



Painting With Words

“Writing literature is just like painting with words.”

Isn’t that delicious? My daughter and I were sitting at our kitchen table discussing word choice and other things that make certain books great and my husband, an artist, among other things, chimed in matter-of-factly over his laptop screen with that zinger. He does that sometimes…

My daughter and I perked up and thought about that juicy statement. A word painting. Now, that’s something! When you think about it, it makes perfect sense. What a really great book does for us is this: Instead of telling us what is happening, it paints a vivid, moving picture in our heads. It weaves us into it’s colorful tapestry. We become part of the story. We feel the story.

A great author is an artist. He or she uses words as color and pencil as brush.Think about the elements of a painting. We have the setting, the subjects, the composition – how the setting and subjects are arranged, and the story. Same thing in a literary work. An artist creates something that not only appeals to us visually, but spiritually and emotionally. He or she has a unique style, a unique relationship with the brush. The work catches us off guard. It evokes something deep within us. It awakens things that we have long forgotten. A great work also give us something. It gives us new perspective, new voice. It becomes a part of us, an old friend that we want to spend time with, that comforts us.

These are some of our favorite works of art.

(We love reading all kinds of books, but the ones on this list changed us. They made us see the world differently. They took us to new depths of feeling. The words were so powerful, so descriptive, so profound, that we often had to pause, think, re-read, and discuss for days, sometimes weeks. Now, that’s a good book, right? Oh, and please also remember that my oldest reader is 8. I know this list will grow as she grows!)

(The following pictures contain links to Should you decide to purchase any of the books, Thankfully Home will receive a small commission. This will not cost you anything at all! It helps us buy books for our family, so thank you!)


And here have been some of my favorite works of literary art, my heavy hitters, both recently and throughout the years.

Name That Color!

My daughter received this as a birthday gift over the summer and it made for a really wonderful rainy day activity. *

It’s a marker maker that includes everything you need to create 16 custom-colored markers! You get red, yellow, and blue dyes and a color chart that shows you how to create a huge selection of colors from the three primary color dyes.

So, for us this started out as a little lesson in color. It was so much fun for the kids to look at the color chart, pick a color, decide how many drops of each primary color to add, and watch the color develop! This was so much fun in and of itself, but my kids took this to a whole new level when they decided to name the colors. You see, the kit provides you with two boxes and labels for each marker. They set out to describe each color and we ended up with names like moss, blueberry, swamp, sunset, Jack-O-Lantern, tangerine,  and rainforest. Isn’t that so much more fun than green, orange, red, blue, brown?

IMG_20151014_122623227Imagine what it does for their imaginations! It creates such a vivid, elaborate, beautiful space from which they perceive and interact with the world. Plus, it’s just so much fun! Don’t you love it when little every-day activities naturally turn themselves into huge opportunities for learning?

I sure do…


*This post contains a link to If you should choose to purchase this item, Thankfully Home will receive a small commission. It will not cost you anything! It helps us buy books and supplies for our family, so thank you!

Great Halloween Reads

From the costumes, to the candy, and the spooky decorations, Halloween really is one of our favorite times of the year and we spend weeks celebrating! One thing that I wanted to be sure to do was to put together a list of some great books about Halloween or Halloween themes that we have loved or are planning on reading this Halloween season.

(The following pictures contain links to Should you decide to purchase any of the books, Thankfully Home will receive a small commission. This will not cost you anything at all! It helps us buy books for our family, so thank you!)

Chapter Books:


Picture Books and Easy Readers:


Poetry Books:


The History of Halloween:


I’m sure there are many, many more wonderful books about this eerie, magical holiday, so please feel free to comment and tell me your families favorites! In the mean time, make some hot cider, pumpkin spice tea, or hot chocolate, snuggle up together, and get reading!

Kitchen Fun

We are always looking for ways to add “flavor” and excitement to our daily lives, and what better way than in the kitchen! I have recently discovered my own love for creating wonderful meals. Who has time to cook from scratch when there are babies in the house? Certainly not me! Now my kids are at ages where I can not only find time to cook, but they want to be involved in the process!

We recently purchased a subscription to Raddish Kids. We get a monthly delivery of recipes, complete with a skill card, skill patch to iron on our aprons, a shopping list, and special supplies based on a monthly theme. You can also download Homeschool Lesson Plans to go along with the kit to make a whole unit study out of your kit! Our first box is Make-Believe Meals and our first recipe is for Superhero Scrambles.


Unfortunately, my boys are feeling under the weather today so my DD decided to dive in alone.

The recipe cards are illustrated so that even early readers can help out. So, we gathered all of our ingredients and she began to prep.


And assemble.



And put finishing touches…


And the waiting begins…


After 20 minutes, this is what DD created all on her own!


They are a hit with everyone!

As soon as the boys are feeling better, we will begin our Superhero Training Program (included in the Homeschool Lesson Plan)!

I would say that after trying our first recipe, Raddish is a hit! What I love about it is that it takes something as seemingly simple as preparing a meal and turns it into a wonderful opportunity to learn – about not just cooking and food prep but culture, nutrition, and science. Plus, it’s just so fun being together creating something!