
For the 2015-2016 school year, we have settled on these curricula. I would like to note that we toggle between curriculum and personal interests. The curriculum selections that we do use are ones that we have had great experiences with. We have tried many things, and these are the ones that made the cut. They work well for everyone – both my kids and me!

For DD (8):

For DS1 (6): Since he is only 6, we don’t do a lot of formal schooling with DS1 outside of Reading and Math. He joins DD when he is interested and we do a lot of Science, History and Art stuff together as a family.

For DS2 (3): lots of PLAY! He loves to join in with us when we read aloud and he gets hands-on with us when we do projects. A neighbor friend introduced me to file folder games, so I have made him a ton of those to do while his older siblings are “doing school.”

We do incorporate a lot of other things into our day that are not a part of a specific curriculum. We also do a lot of things outside the house, like field trips (we like to call it “fieldschooling”), piano and voice lessons, Musical Theater class, Art classes, library trips, and classes with other homeschooling families at a local library.


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