Halloween Tea Party!

Halloween is not just another holiday at our house. It is cause for an ongoing celebration! We decided to kick off our festivities with a Halloween Poetry Tea Time, full of all the usual trappings of the holiday – costumes, treats, decorations, pumpkin spiced tea, stories and poems.

Poetry TIMG_20151012_113850131_HDRea Time is regular event in our home. The kids just love preparing delicious treats and racing to the bookshelf to choose their favorite poetry books. Today will be a little different. A little. We will be sipping, listening, and taking turns reading as witches, sorcerers, and fearless space rangers . We will read from spooky Halloween poetry books. We will revel in this enchanted, magical, place for a while…







Oh, and we have invited some more guests to join us today…





What a wonderful time we had together, my Emerald Witch, Harry Potter, and Buzz Lightyear! I can only hope that these are the times that my children remember fondly when they look back at their childhoods and reminisce…


Here are the poetry books we read from:

(The images contain links to Amazon.com. Should you decide to purchase any of the books, Thankfully Home will receive a small commission. This will not cost you anything at all! It helps us buy books for our family, so thank you!)