Halloween is not just another holiday at our house. It is cause for an ongoing celebration! We decided to kick off our festivities with a Halloween Poetry Tea Time, full of all the usual trappings of the holiday – costumes, treats, decorations, pumpkin spiced tea, stories and poems.
Poetry Tea Time is regular event in our home. The kids just love preparing delicious treats and racing to the bookshelf to choose their favorite poetry books. Today will be a little different. A little. We will be sipping, listening, and taking turns reading as witches, sorcerers, and fearless space rangers . We will read from spooky Halloween poetry books. We will revel in this enchanted, magical, place for a while…
Oh, and we have invited some more guests to join us today…
What a wonderful time we had together, my Emerald Witch, Harry Potter, and Buzz Lightyear! I can only hope that these are the times that my children remember fondly when they look back at their childhoods and reminisce…
Here are the poetry books we read from:
(The images contain links to Amazon.com. Should you decide to purchase any of the books, Thankfully Home will receive a small commission. This will not cost you anything at all! It helps us buy books for our family, so thank you!)