We just finished reading this gem of a book as a family read-aloud.
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My daughter and I were moved by it in so many ways. The story is a wonderful tale about the adventures of a young girl named Minli who embarks on an adventure to change her family’s fortune. Grace Lin weaves the tale beautifully, with delicious descriptions and vivid illustrations. It is simply a beautiful story and we couldn’t wait to catch up with Minli every night before bed. When it ended, we were actually sad. “Again!” DD exclaimed.
So, I thought I’d better come up with something to extend the excitement that we felt about this beautiful story! The author, Grace Lin, has a great blog. On it, she has an activity book and event kit that suggest fantastic discussion questions, art projects, math activities, recipes, and many other activities that are inspired by the story. What fun!
So far, my daughter has sculpted her own dragons, complete with their pearls, and is waiting for them to dry so she can paint them. She is hoping that her dragons come to life!
For our next Tea Time, we will read
to continue to foster the kids’ love of legends. We will make moon pies (which we made during the Moon Festival – they were a huge hit!) One child, Emme Licygiewicz, actually invented and shared a Where the Mountain Meets the Moon board game! We have already put the game board together and can’t wait to play the game! Thanks Emme!
We absolutely can’t recommend this book enough. My kids’ (especially my daughter) were so engrossed in the story, the wonderful characters, and the way Grace Lin manages to weave the story into an intricate tapestry where all of the characters share a profound connection. It truly changed us. Next on our list is the companion book
which has a boy as its main character. We can’t wait to dive into this adventure!